The Schwartz Miller Scholarship Endowment

The Schwartz Miller Scholarship Endowment was the idea of Andy Schwartz, a long-time Birkie skier who died unexpectedly in August 2021. After registering for the Birkie shortly before he passed away, Andy expressed concern to his wife Bunkie Miller that the race was getting expensive for many high school seniors. With college looming, he did not want these skiers to choose between skiing the Birkie/Korte or going to senior prom. “We should start a scholarship.”
The Schwartz Miller Endowment will offer scholarships to high school seniors who are members of a ski team but for whom the entry fee is a challenge. Recommendations will be submitted in the fall through coaches who know their skiers needs. An equal number of male and female entries will be granted for them to ski the Birkie or Korte. Initially, 20 scholarships will be given until the endowment grows to generate more scholarships. A committee of coaches and Birkie staff will review and notify applicants on June 15th and December 15th decision dates.

Andy saw scholarships as a way to keep the Birkie’s spirit going for the next generation. “Ski a Birkie, Give a Birkie” and help grow the endowment to extend the Birkie’s reach!
Application Requirements:
- Must be nominated and submitted by a coach, or other non-related adult if the student is not on a ski team
- This nominating individual must also commit to assist the student in obtaining transportation and/or housing for the race event
- Needs to include a letter(s) of recommendation from a teacher or administrator at the students school and letter from the coach articulating:
- That the student is in good standing
- That the student has finance need
- Recommendation of student merit
- Submission instructions
- Download, print & fill out application form
- Include the 2 letters of recommendation
- Mail to:
ABSF/Schwartz-Miller Scholarship
PO Box 911
Hayward, WI 54843 - Submission windows:
- May 1-June 1 with decisions June 15
- Nov 1 until Birkie and Korte race registration closes with decisions within 10 days of receipt of the application