Forerunner #31:
Cummisford Families: Jeff and Kevin

Back row: Jeff, Lynn and Isla. Front row: Mike, Ethan, Krista (Cummisford) and Adaline Anderson; Rosemary (Roma), Alex and Kevin Cummisford

Jeff and Lynn Cummisford
Waukesha, WI

Jeff is a retired Banker (43 years) and was head of Residential Lending for 3 major Banks and Owner/Partner of a nine state Mortgage Banking company. He has completed 31 Birkie and several WorldLoppet and World Masters races. He was a 2009 Birkie Warrior, along with Richard Pierce and Lyndsey Pierce Lewis. He started the cross country ski program at Lapham Peak with Waukesha West High School, which won the girls state cross country championship with daughter, Krista and Lyndsey Pierce. This program is now the Peak Nordic ski program. Lynn is a ski technician and family supporter.

Dr. Kevin Cummisford and Dr. Rosemary deShazo
Salt Lake City, Utah

Kevin is a Cardiac Anesthesiologist and Rosemary is a Dermatologist in Salt Lake City. Kevin has now completed 8 Birkies and 5 Kortes, including his first Korte at age 13. He was an original member of the “Team Birkie” High School program. He has also skied in several WorldLoppet and World Masters races. Rosemary has completed several Kortelopet and Prince Haakon races. Daughter Isla (7 years old) is a member of the TUNA cross country ski program in Park City and has completed several Barnebirkie and Junior Birkie races. Son Alex (5 years old) has skied in two Barnebirkie races to date.

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